Thursday, July 16, 2009

Welcome and feedback request

I wanted to thank Phyllis Freedman from the for posting some of my material on her blog and also thank the new people who have signed up for email updates!

As this is a new endeavor, I am hoping for feedback and questions from readers. This is a work in progress - my goal is to bring planning giving info sharing into the digital age, particularly on the legal/technical side of gift planning.

Let me know what you think. Offer suggestions. Use the "contact me" gadget on the left!

For now, I am going to try and report important/relevant stories (with some of my own commentary) that impact the planned giving and fundraising world, and address interesting gift planning situations. Eventually, I plan to build a library of "how to" articles for those just learning the field (see article links in left column) which could eventually be published as an online book. Every good planned giving consultant needs to publish a book! Let's see if I ever get there.

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