Monday, June 29, 2009

Story About Gift Annuities in Chron. of Philanthropy

I spoke to the author of this article extensively and provided lots of documentation in hopes of getting my name in the article.

Well, I didn't get into the article but she did do a very good job on a very sensitive topic. I wouldn't have been so sensitive if I had written it.

To see the article:

(you might need to be a subscriber to get to it)


Lorri Greif, CFRE said...

Hi Jonathan. I spoke with her too, for a long time. I know she spoke with a lot of people because she asked me for other people that she could talk to and when I made suggestions she said that they were already on her list. She certainly did her research if she spoke with everyone. Hence an article totally unlike the one in the Wall Street Journal.

Jonathan Gudema, Esq. said...

Lorri, you got your name in the article so you must have done something right!