Monday, October 12, 2009

Schervish Still Touting Ridiculous Wealth Transfer Claims

If you haven't seen the latest Wealth Transfer lunacy from Paul Schervish, here is an article in Forbes about how Schervish and his partner still claim that some trillion something or other will be changing hands over the next 20+ years:

I am bit negative on the subject for two reasons: 1. The numbers for charities are already impossible - never going to happen (I'll have to do the math again soon); and 2. Especially after I just wrote a 16 page paper for the upcoming NCPG (now PPP) conference presentation that two of my colleagues at Changing Our World are presenting this week looking at various demographic projections (life expectancies, changing family structures, impact of this past year's drop in retirement savings, etc..). Looking at the big picture future for America in general and philanthropy in particular is pretty sobering.

I am working on getting the paper linked to this blog as a PDF (or you can download it if you attending NCPG).

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